Totally late on this one...whoops!
Kylie, you turned 5 months on the 13th of December...and, naturally, that called for a mini photo shoot. ...naturally
.as if i didn't already take too many pictures around here, Emma's just as obsessed with taking pictures. |
Here are some 5 month(isms) of yours:
* You are PRO at rolling. That's your favorite thing to do the second we put you down. You are getting so good at setting your sights on something, and then getting yourself to that item.
* You have regressed from sleeping through the night, and are waking up about 4 times at night to eat...much to mommy's dismay. We're crossing our fingers it doesn't last long, but since we're refusing to give you rice cereal to keep you full longer i'll probably just have to deal with waking up for late night feedings.
* In relation to refusing to give you want people food SO bad! Anytime I'm prepping food you fuss and look at the food longingly. If we are chewing you move your mouth as though you're chewing while you watch us. I feel so bad because the last thing I want to do is torture you, but we definitely started introducing solids too early with Emma, and I've learned my lesson from that, so I'm sorry sweet'll be a while. {My new motto: Solids before 1 is just for fun.}
* You are still as sweet as can be. You smile and giggle all the time, and we LOVE it!
* You've done this since day 1, and you're still doing it - when we go to get you out of bed from naps you will wave your arms like crazy and stick your tongue out. You just get so excited!
* You are weighing in at about 15 pounds...which is pretty much average for your age. But you're definitely packing on the chunky rolls. I never thought I liked chunky babies...I was SO wrong. Your rolls are my favorite thing to nibble on!
Your daddy and I love you to pieces and we feel so blessed every single day to have you in our family. You and your sister are still super tight buddies. If one of you is not in the room together I see you both looking around for each other. When you're not awake Emma is constantly telling me that she misses you and wants to play with you. I'm so so grateful you two are the best of friends.
Love you sweet girl! Just a few more weeks and you'll be half a year old! ---how'd that happen?!---
Cheers to another month with the sweetest girls I could ever hope for. Love you babe. Leave Comment »